
BEyond budgeting workshop

No dates currently available

what we offer

Course Outline

Business Agility in Practice

Explore an approach to organisational management where people and interactions surpass processes and tools. Join us for unique insights into Business Agility from managerial, financial, and human perspectives.

Please note, participants numbers on this program are deliberately limited to enable maximum engagement and a customised experience.

beyond budgeting workshop - No dates currently available

$1,595.00 incl GST

Benefit from Bjarte Bogsnes’ extensive experience in transforming companies globally, including Equinor (Statoil), where it replaced traditional approaches to budgeting. Dive into real case stories and practical examples that inspire change.


Unlock Organisational Potential:

Foster Innovation

Enhance Agility

Empower Teams

Benefit from Bjarte Bogsnes’ extensive experience in transforming companies globally, including Equinor (Statoil), where it replaced traditional approaches to budgeting. Dive into real case stories and practical examples that inspire change.

Please note, participants numbers on this program are deliberately limited to enable maximum engagement and a customised experience.

Upcoming Course Availability


No dates currently available

4.00 pm - 8.00 pm

Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane)


No dates currently available

4.00 pm - 8.00 pm

Australian Eastern Standard Time (Brisbane)

Participants will be expected to

  • Attend a 2 x 4-hour session which will be a mixture of theory and practice
  • This program uses a combination of Zoom (for breakout rooms) and Conceptboard (for content collection and monitoring) If you are unsure that your current devices or software will be able to engage using this combination, our technical support consultant is available to have a conversation with you once you have registered.

Participants will receive:

  • 2 sessions of 4.0 hours of theory and practice
  • Resource materials
  • Access to course content via our Community of Practice

Who Should Attend?

  • Executives & Leaders
  • Management Professionals
  • Change Catalysts


Program total $1,595 per person (inc GST)


  • 10% apply for 3 or more participants from the same organisation (or practitioner with clients)

Please Note:

This course is available for in-house delivery.
Please contact…. Julie Cunningham or Viv Read

Key Learnings

Trust and Empowerment: Redefine control while fostering trust and empowerment.

Performance Redefined: Embrace dynamic and relative targets or even targetless evaluation methods.

Dynamic Resource Allocation: Learn how to manage cost without traditional budgets.

Dynamic Forecasting: Understand fluid resource allocation and dynamic forecasting methods.

Self-Regulating Mechanisms: Explore transparent management models that adapt to change.

KPI and OKR Pitfalls: Learn from the challenges and alternatives in setting targets.

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Agile and Beyond Budgeting: Discover the synergy and distinction between the two approaches.

Implementing Change: Gain insights and advice from successful implementation experiences.

Beyond Budgeting’s Impact: Explore its effectiveness through fresh survey data.

Workshop Outline

History: Explore 25 years of Beyond Budgeting origins.

Challenges with Traditional Management: Address issues in conventional management, including the budgeting mindset.

Adaptive Management Model: Delve into the philosophy, 12 principles, and practical application.

Real Case Stories: Discover success stories from Handelsbanken, Haier, David Lloyd, and more.

Equinor Story: Uncover the “Ambition to Action” model and its transformative impact.

Public Sector Application: Learn how Beyond Budgeting applies in the public sector.

Management Mechanisms: Understand self-regulating models and pitfalls in traditional targets.

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Agile Connection: Explore the symbiosis between Agile and Beyond Budgeting.

Implementation Insights: Hear advice and experiences in implementing change.

Beyond Budgeting and the major Consulting Firms: Learn about their interest and experiences.

Effectiveness Assessment: Analyse fresh survey data and engagement through the Beyond Budgeting Roundtable.

beyond budgeting workshop - no dates currently available

$1,595.00 incl GST

Join highly experienced and skilled practitioners to explore how an entire organiSation can be run in an agile way, where people and interactions are more valued than processes and tools, and where responding to change is more important than following a plan.

who are we

Our FaciliTatorS

Bjarte Bogsnes


bjarte bogsnes

Bjarte is the Chairman of the Beyond Budgeting Roundtable, founder of Bogsnes Advisory, and a sought-after international business speaker and Beyond

Budgeting coach. He led the implementation of this groundbreaking model at large European companies, including the energy giant Equinor, and has helped numerous companies globally get started on their journey. He is the winner of a Harvard Business Review/McKinsey Management Innovation award.

Complexity Team

Julie Cunningham

Julie works closely with organisations to help lift performance through capability cultivation. She leads the application of a growing body of work assisting 

organisations to work with and understand complexity, develop curiosity, explore disruption and identify blind spots through a brain savvy lens. This is aligned with growing emphasis to drive innovation, think differently and build sustainable capability.