December 2021 – Wrap up for the year

December 2021 – Wrap up for the year

The Year that Was…

continuing to be unpredictable, emergent; full of probes and different lived experiences around the globe.

The Complexability Community of Practice

started as probe in 2020 out of the interest generated via the October Cynefin 21 events.  In January of this year, the current Complexability Community of Practice was created.  We’ve seen membership grow to 650+ members from around the globe and hosted 26 events; a mix of practitioner clinics and topics of interest generated by the Community.   Stay tuned for the 2022 events focussed on supporting practitioners in the journey from theory to practical application.

If you’re not a member already and would like to join (it’s free).  Click here to join.

Re-emergence: Complexity Yarns with Indigenous Thinkers

through a partnership with Indigenous Knowledge Systems Lab (Deakin University), Cynefin® Centre, Cynefin® Centre Australia and Complexability, a series of wide ranging and emergent Yarns have commenced with Indigenous Thinkers from Australia, Wales, Papua New Guinea and Canada exploring concepts of language, culture, spirtuality, scale and more, similarities and differences and more.  If you haven’t yet had an opportunity to experience the Yarns, the first 3 Yarns are available through our Community of Practice.   We look forward to extending this partnership across 2022.

Complex Facilitation

building our global reputation in the theory and practice of complex facilitation has resulted in co-designing and delivering Fundamental training for Cognitive Edge and a deeper dive through a 14 week Theory and Practice Intensive designed and delivered by Complexability practitioners.  Practical application has included supporting community facilitators and projects in Australia, USA, Canada and Indonesia.

Support for global SenseMaker Projects

through the Community of Practice we have supported a number projects, some are open and all contributions are welcome.  Here are the links

We also acknowledge and appreciate the learning that consulting assignments with various organisations in Australia and Internationally have provided.   By co-creating responses to the variety of complex challenges we have extended our own learning of practice and appreciate the trust and collegiality that is reflected in these relationships.

What’s coming in 2022?

Here’s what we know already…

February Virtual Cynefin® Basecamp – Viv Read and Julie Cunningham are the authorised ANZ The Cynefin® Co facilitators to deliver the Virtual Cynefin® Basecamp. The next course commences February 2.

To book a place click here

Complex Facilitation Fundamentals – Viv Read and Julie Cunningham co-designers and are the globally authorised The Cynefin Co facilitators to deliver the Virtual Complex Fundamentals course.  The next course commences on February 15.

 Send an email to info@complexability.com.au if you’d like to book a seat.

March 21-25 Complexity in Context

A series of virtual events with a practitioner and practical focus to explore complexity in action.  This will include lived experiences of using complex tools and facilitation methods in a variety of contexts and global settings from those who have put the theory into practice.

Further information as it emerges will be shared via the Community of Practice. Pencil these dates in your diary!

May 3 onwards Major events partnering with Cynefin® Centre

Commencing May 3 in Brisbane a series of events that showcase complex facilitation and large group methods will be scheduled for Brisbane and Sydney.  The Cynefin® Co (formerly Cognitive Edge) will also schedule Masterclasses at the same time.  Key themes will include citizen engagement, complex facilitation and risk and resilience.

COVID permitting, events will be face-to-face including Dave Snowden and Beth Smith.  If we need to pivot, we will!

Opportunities for practitioners and organisations to engage with Cynefin® Centre programs will be on offer.

And there’s more in the planning…

in response to feedback, we are thinking and talking about partnering, risk and resilience, community activation and capacity building as areas of development and focus across the year ahead.

Stay safe and we look forward to catching up in 2022.

The Complexability Team.



If you’re beyond admiring the problem or feeling overwhelmed email us.

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